What is Medical Nutrition?
Medical nutrition therapy (MNT) is a therapeutic approach to treating medical conditions and their associated symptoms via the use of a specifically tailored diet devised and monitored by a registered dietitian or professional nutritionist. The diet is based upon the patient's medical and psychosocial history, physical examination, functional examination and dietary history.
NHSL Medical Nutrition Unit History:
This is the newest addition to the Clinical care services provided by the NHSL. It was established on 16/10/2014.Currently this was conducted by MSc qualified four medical officers in Human Nutrition and the administrative supervision is carried out by the Deputy Director – NHSL and the technical supervision is assign to Dr. Renuka Jayatissa , the Consultant Nutrition Specialist. This unit is established at the OPD Building complex.
Telephone extension - 2919
Working hours – 8am – 4pm Monday to Friday
8am – 12 noon Saturday
Functions of the unit
Patient Specific Services
Detailed nutritional assessment
Detailed dietary history and analysis of diets
Setting nutritional goals.
Tailor made nutrition care plan- enteral or parenteral
Nutrition counselling
Other nutrition related services
Nutrition related research
Organizing nutrition related educational programmes and skill developmental programmes.
Referring system
Referrals from the OPD
Referrals from clinics
Referrals from Wards / ICU
Referrals from DMH/ CASTLE Street Hospital for Women/ Renal Unit – Maligawatta.