
Other Services

Orthopaedic Workshop

This unit was established in 1947 and still continues to serve the orthopaedic care seekers of the hospital. Any patient need this services can access the service through the orthopaedic units of the NHSL.

Here a wide range of Orthosis (An external orthopaedic appliance that prevents or assists the movement of the spine or limbs) and Prosthesis(an artificial replacement for a missing body part, such as an artificial limb or total joint replacement) are manufactured on the requirement of the patients.

Department of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy and Their Services

Occupational Therapy was introduced to Sri Lanka after the Second World War in 1940s. The First Sri Lankan Occupational Therapist, Mr. D. J. Athukorele was trained in the United Kingdom and appointed to the Mental Hospital Angoda in 1952. Since then, several Occupational Therapists who were trained overseas were appointed to various facilities in the country including Anti-tuberculosis campaign, Leprosy campaign, and the Orthopedic section of the General Hospital Colombo which is the National Hospital of Sri Lanka today.

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